Sunday, October 11, 2009

drumroll please...

alright good folks, the next book to read is Elantris, by Brandon Sanderson. We have it at our beloved store and Suzanne even found it online for like $2.50! It was top sci-fi release the year it came out (2005) and the author himself has published thought provoking (maybe even borderline existential?) book group discussion questions for our enjoyment :) So have at it!

(yes, I realize you may have now read this twice... that is the value of copy & paste. Why be creative when there are so many good authors out there being paid to do that?)


  1. Sweet, can't wait to get started. Copy and paste is a very good command


  2. Brandon Sanderson is coming to the Borders store in Dallas next month, for his book tour promoting "The Gathering Storm". :) It is the next book in the Wheel of Time series, which he is continuing in Robert Jordan's place, who passed away.

    If anyone needs a copy of Elantris, I have an extra paperback copy you can borrow! Sanderson is my most favorite author. ^^
