Friday, July 31, 2009

My Goal!

I made myself a goal to read at least a hundred pages today, inbetween errands and such. I did it. As one of the few members who is not close to being done before we meet up on Aug 9. I am so proud of myself. I was one page 106 and now I am on page 218! Yea, go me! There is only about 332 pages. I am almost their! Will keep you updated!


Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I am very excited about the blog to be able to post about our beloved books, ask questions, and make comments. Having a place to do all this without brothers, dads, boyfriends, or pretty much any member of the male population thinks your crazy for reading a book and talking about it is wonderful!! I'm looking forward to all the discussions.


Sunday, July 26, 2009


Misty went to the effort of accomplishing the technical aspects of this little project so I'll take care of the introduction.


Who doesn't love a good book? Obviously we all do as we're all members of this fabulous, if sometimes silly, book club. The great thing about a book club is the challenge to conquer pieces of literature that might have never crossed your path if it weren't for this literarily inclined group of cohorts. So dive in. Don't just read the chosen book. Savor it. Look up the words you don't know. Ask someone about a paragraph that doesn't make sense. Laugh out loud at the funny parts and don't be afraid to get so involved that you shed a tear when the story is heartbreaking.

"Of all the diversions of life, there is none so proper to fill up its empty spaces as the reading of useful and entertaining authors." -Joseph Addison

Hello Blog

I am very excited about having a bookclub blog. I can't wait until we all talk about books and gossip about what we like and don't like. A way to communicate and keep track of our thoughts as we read so we don't forget our most favorite parts or the ones we hate the most.



This blog is an excellent idea! I look forward to having an easier way to keep in touch with everyone about our readings. ^^