Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Meeting for Love The One You're With

The date has changed to Friday April 2, 2010. Jennifer does not get off till 9pm that night so we will begin at that time. It will be snack night, so just bring something lite. Hope to see everyone there!

I did not realize this was Easter until Cara pointed this out.

I have decided on April 4, 2010 Sunday to host the discussion. It will be at my apartment. Not sure on the time because the work schedule is not up but I am open on sunday nights and I don't mind it being late. Most times we are all pretty much available for this day.

If any one has a problem with this date (besides whether or not you have finished the book) please let me know and we can work around it!

As for what is to be served, I know Bobby wanted to cook for all of you but if he has to work I was thinking of a potluck. Something lite I guess is what I am going for. (depending on the time? Maybe something heavy?)

Any ideas or suggestions, just comment!
Hope everyone has gotten a chance to read it and is enjoying the story.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Love The One You're WIth

Here is the summary for our next bookclub pick.

emily giffin official website: "Ellen and Andy's marriage doesn't just seem perfect, it is perfect. There is no question how deep their devotion is, and how naturally they bring out the best in each other. But one fateful afternoon, Ellen runs into Leo for the first time in eight years. Leo, the one who brought out the worst in her. Leo, the one who left her heartbroken with no explanation. Leo, the one she could never quite forget. When his reappearance ignites long-dormant emotions, Ellen begins to question whether the life she’s living is the one she's meant to live. LOVE THE ONE YOU'RE WITH is a powerful story about one woman at the crossroads of true love and real life."

Really excited that we finally get to read this, since I have been talking about it since FOREVER!!!!!!


Monday, March 8, 2010

The Unrivaled Outlander meeting is here!

We will be having our book club meeting this Sunday, on March 14th after 6pm at my house. Let me know when is a good exact time we should have it. I would like to have a small dinner w/wine at this event. Hope everyone likes it so far, I know I do and I can't wait to hear all what you guys have to say. Maybe we can start the whole saga if you haven't started it already, lol.