Monday, March 8, 2010

The Unrivaled Outlander meeting is here!

We will be having our book club meeting this Sunday, on March 14th after 6pm at my house. Let me know when is a good exact time we should have it. I would like to have a small dinner w/wine at this event. Hope everyone likes it so far, I know I do and I can't wait to hear all what you guys have to say. Maybe we can start the whole saga if you haven't started it already, lol.


  1. check this out!!

    take the test before you come into the meeting on Sunday!!

  2. It turned out That I'm more like Brianna Randall, You are extremely loyal to those you love, and very intelligent, but you have a temper. You are very preoccupied with doing the right thing. You have some artistic talents.

    Hey did you guys hear that their going to make a moive out of it?

  3. You are Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser. You are resourceful, practical and a strong woman. You're not afraid to stand up for yourself or do whatever is needful for those you love, whatever the risk to yourself. You have a gift for healing and you are a faithful lover.

    That is pimp, i would of picked her or Jenny. Both suit me just fine
    where did you hear they were going to make a movie

