Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Everyone Has Obligatons

Acene has requested to post-pone our July Meeting to August, this is something the members need to decide on. So please comment and tell us what you would like for our next meeting date.

On a side note: Every one has there own personal obligations, whether it be school, work, or being a mom. There is a reason why everything is planned out in advance (about 3 months worth of time) and everything is voted on. THIS IS STILL A BOOK CLUB whether we get together to just to hang out or to discuss the current book and one of things I really love about our book club is that we are not forced to read the book that is chosen, whether obligations arise or we just don't like the topic/genre of the current book that is being read.

Heck, we all know I have not finished a couple of the books or just didn't read it because I did not like it and I was still welcomed at the meetings, just like other members as well. So please don't be a hypocrite, when in the past you didn't finish books or even read them either! This is suppose to be about friendship and our love for reading and just being able to have a good time and talk shop about books, even if we get off topic. So whatever is decided on when we should meet up, be sure to be up front about your issues and hopefully we can fix them and make everyone happy about our book club!


  1. I vote to push it back to July 17 and keep August as it should be


  2. July 17th is good for me, but I'm good for any date!

  3. Acene said..
    All I'm say'n is why must we read the book in one month? What's the rush? It's more fun if most of the members had read the book. We can still have our Mandatory Meetings if that's what you like. However, why have a book club when half of the members are not reading the book? All I'm asking to slow it down just a little bit. Where not in a race. peace

  4. I can see part of your point but what about those of us who do read it and then wait for other members and we waste time, I personally do not want it to be like before waiting 3-4months inbetween books. I will go with whatever majority members go for!


  5. Well, then like the games begin, let the majority win! And I don't think it's going to take 3-4 months to read a book.

  6. I meant(let not like) teehee

  7. I vote for keeping it to monthly meetings. It gives me motivation to read new things and I look forward to each meeting cause it's a preset time with my friends. And I'm still good for July 17th as the meeting date.
    Much Love,
