Monday, April 11, 2011

The Happenings

A list of things that need to be gone over and what changes we will be making.

Part 1: We have decided to add our family and sigificant others to our Spring Gathering. So this means we need to know who you are bring. We need this count so we know how much food we will need to purchased. Once we have an account of all who will be present then I will post in groups what items each person can choose to bring. It will be paired into price range so no one pays more than any other member.

Part 2: Everyone now has an office status. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns. Please text, email, or call me.
Banker - KC
Historian - Jennifer
Dectective - Acene
Facebook Controller and Blog Designer: Cara

Part 3: Make sure you are figuring out a quote from any books we have read or a quote you have made up about one of the books we are read or just any quote you like.

Part 4: Take a look at the Logo page and vote for which one you like best!

You have by thursday to RSVP for our Spring Annual Gathering. This is so I can start making a grocery list and group pricing everything together. As soon as everyone has responded or time is up we can move to the next stage. Thanks so much ladies!!!


  1. Count me...IN plus one adults, one teen and two little ones.

  2. I will like to say thank you to my entire little book lovers that I'm now the Detective not only with our books picks but also with your LIVES, so conduct yourself in such a way not to marked in my little black book!! I will be given out warrants to all u who are not coming to the meets. (jk) If I'm not there at the meetings, it's because I'm on a case, teehee. I love this job!!

  3. Hey! I will be attending alone!
