Thursday, January 14, 2010

Feb's Pick


Because I'm forgot how to post on our blog, I'm reduced to sending this out on facebook.
I going you have to get a poll on which book I should pick:

Little Prince - it's about the prince setting out to explore planets and cure his loneliness.
not you can read it online at -


Outlander by Diana Gabaldon - historical sci-fi adventure-romance story.
The Outlander is at the half price bookstore for about $8-$10.

I myself wants to read Gabaldon's book but I'm going to have you guys pick which on will suit us both.

AJ St John


  1. Oh well now I'm not sure! I clicked that link with the Little Prince and it looks really interesting. I've never read it. AAAAND there's a movie that we could watch that Gene Wilder has a part in. Could be cute.

    I have wanted to read Outlander too though.... oh man I'll let more people vote. Arwen and Elizabeth are still on vacation so they probably won't see this for another day or two.

  2. I'm going to go ahead and pick.....The Outlander. If all possible can we not officially start reading this book until next week? It might take a while for me to finish this one.
