Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Surprise and Anniversary

This pasted meeting the Surprise was announced and it was a Photo Book from Shutterfly!
This photo book goes all the way to the beginning, from 2007 to present time. It includes all members and pictures from events, out book lists, and other little tad bits.

If I have not already received your order payment, you have until Friday afternoon to let me know if you want a copy with the group discount! I will be placing the order at Noon! I can get you a copy of the book at anytime the only catch would be that you would end up paying the original price instead of a group price.

As for our Anniversary it has been decided that we will be having a Southern Ball! Yes you heard correctly, a Southern Ball! So we just need to decided on the date, it will be hosted at Sasha's house.

The weekend of Sept 17 or 18 or the weekend of Sept 24 or 25: Saturday or Sunday night. There will be a meal and like the picnic there will be a grocery list divided up among us and our guests by price. The Supper Club members will cook the dinner so other members will not have to worry about the food.

There is a dress code and you will be required to dress up, women will have to dress in gowns and men will have to dress up in suits.

More information to be posted later, right now we need to vote on when the Ball will take place, so comment below what day works best!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm going to vote for Saturday the 24th, but any of those day will work for me!
    Much Love,
