Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Saturday Sept 11 @ 7pm

This Saturday is our meeting and its nachoes and other party snacks. Anything you would like to add: meat, sour cream, salsa, etc ... feel free to bring. Drinks and other snacks are welcome as well. Just start making a list here on the comments and let everyone know what you are bringing so no double repeats. If you need Mistie's address again, just text her.


  1. I got the cheese covered, um, not sure but Cara and I will be going shopping and she will post the list ....

  2. Cheese, sour cream, guacamole, mexican rice, black beans, onions, lettuce, tomatoes, and fajita style green bell peppers and onions. We can just have everyone self serve and fix their nachos how they like! We just need drinks and desert if anyone wants to bring those and anything else you might want for the nachos.


  3. wow, that is a list ... sounds yummy, can't wait

  4. I also work Saturday... - Anne
