Saturday, December 26, 2009
Sad Face
no not that person try again
close but nope, not that one either ...
well if you didn't guess right, it was Sandra Brown.
Makes me sad because if I had known that both of them would of be there I would of saved up $150 to support the cause but also get to be in a room with really amazing writers. Just thought I would share my sad face ... :(
:no winks, eye twitches:
if you don't know who posted this, well tough stuff
Monday, December 7, 2009
ATTN: Ladies...!!
- --they have several copies for around $5.50 or so.
- prices seem to be around $5.79 and up, as Jennifer mentioned.
- on this particular site, prices started at around $10
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Mkay, Ladies....
Sunday, November 29, 2009
My story of the last 35 pages!
While we are at Michelles house I keep my book in my hand waiting for the moment I will not be drawn into a conversation and be able to sit on her loveseat and just read. It would not be considered rude, they are use to me having a book in my hand and casually opening the pages and getting lost in the story as they communicate around me.
Unfortunally, Michelle and I talked about christmas decor and other things, along with James Patterson, (she totally loves him and wants me to get him to come to arlington so she can meet him and kiss him. So cute, I know). She wants me to read kiss the girls and we talked about Pattersons characters.
Now I am having an internal battle, I love talking about books and characters and authors, but I also want to finish this book. What do I do? There are so many ways I can get out of this conversation and loose myself in the corner of the room and no one would be the wiser, but the way Michelle is talking about how good this story line is and the characters has my interest just as well.
I come to the finally decision to just stay in the conversation. I mean 35 pages won't take me very long, so from a little after 9 all the way to 12:13 I have 35 pages left. It was killing me not to be able to read and find out how it ends (and no I will not tell you). I get home, get under the covers and pick up the book and with much suspence in my mind I read the last 35 pages and love every waking moment of.
Arwen you picked an amazing book, I really enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I was so excited when I finished I had to text elizabeth (sorry liz, I know it was late but I just had to share the news)!
For those of you who have not yet even made a dent in the book, it is truly good and it keeps you on your toes in all the right spots.
My question of the day, who else has finished it or where are you in the book, you still have 5 more days to finish it. Good luck and happy readings.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Meeting Vote II - Elantris
Book Club meeting has been pushed to Friday Dec 4th at 10pm. Now everyone has plently of time to finish the book. Which by the way, is really good ... really really good. :)
Hello fellow book club members,
We still have not set a certain date so we much vote again.
Considering Saturday Nov 28, 2009 for the book club meeting instead of sunday because Arwen does not get off tell 10pm. If everyone is okay meeting that late then it will stay sunday, if not it will be late saturday night (don't remember the time everyone is available), unless we can all come up with another solution.
Let the voting began.
ps, I am okay with either!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Meeting Vote - Elantris
We seem to be coming to a hard conclusion on when we should meet for the review of "Elantris." Arwen frist suggested before Thanksgiving. Then we found out some members have not even started this months' book club pick. So Arwen said we could meet after Thanksgiving and Suzzie asked about Nov 30.
I think we should put it to a vote. When do you think we should meet up?
Friday, October 30, 2009
4th International Book Fair, Dallas, Texas

The event is free and open to the public. International, national and local authors will be reading and signing books. Cultural programs will again include artistic performances, poetry reading, music and children activities. Here is an online video about the Festival, in Spanish.
4th Dallas Annual International Book Fair
A Festival of Reading for All Ages
October 29 – November 1, 2009
J. Erik Jonsson Central Library
1515 Young St., Dallas, TX 75201
Harlem Book Fair , and author of "Sacred Fire: The QBR 100 Essential Black
Books" The Studio, 3rd floor
Friday, October 16, 2009
Rainwater by Sandra Brown
Admittedly, I'm biased but I think RAINWATER is a perfect book for book clubs and that's why we're doing a contest just for you. If your book club selects RAINWATER for their 2010 schedule, please drop us a line and let us know (Contact information is at the bottom of this email).
The first ten book clubs to notify us that they’ve added RAINWATER to their schedule will receive personalized bookplates and RAINWATER tissue packets and will be entered to win a 1-hour phone call with me to discuss the book. The contest will run through December 31, 2009 or until we have ten finalists.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Book for Mistie
Hey Mistie,
Just thinking of you and thought this book will do wonders for your writing. The title is "It Sleeps In Me by Kathleen O'neal Gear. She wrote "People of the Moon" too. Her husband writes as well.
The story goes when the Chieftess, Sora of the Black Falcon Nation, is faced with warring clans and is about to go on a mission, she runs into an old friend. Skinner, a friend of her ex-husband, Flint, comes to Sora with a shocking message: Flint is dead, but his shadow soul lives within Skinner, and he must tell Sora Flint's last words. There's magic, murder, and erotic love scenes that you will be in captured with. I give it 4 stars. -Acene

Sunday, October 11, 2009
drumroll please...
(yes, I realize you may have now read this twice... that is the value of copy & paste. Why be creative when there are so many good authors out there being paid to do that?)
Friday, October 9, 2009
Recap, Hello, and Update
We have a new member ... WELCOME Sasha ... *claps*
So, I hate to say this but sorry Acene, it will actually be Sasha's turn to pick after Arwen. Since we are at the end of the cycle. (hehehehe -> reference theme to the book). That means Sasha I will be bugging you until you decide what book you are picking.
We missed two memebers tonight
Elizabeth -> who is on vacation of dreams
Anne -> who is sick
We all missed you both.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Flatland Complete
PS ->Good luck Allison, you can do it!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Love this idea!

Death Of A Salesman Bookclub Meeting
Friday 8pm
Are we bring snacks? Who is bring what?
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I Am Feeling Very Quotes Today
-- Winston Churchill
To the Rose upon the Rood of Time
by William Butler Yeats
Red Rose, proud Rose, sad Rose of all my days!
Come near me, while I sing the ancient ways:
Cuchulain battling with the bitter tide;
The Druid, grey, wood-nurtured, quiet-eyed,
Who cast round Fergus dreams, and ruin untold;
And thine own sadness, whereof stars, grown old
In dancing silver-sandalled on the sea,
Sing in their high and lonely melody.
Come near, that no more blinded by man's fate,
I find under the boughs of love and hate,
In all poor foolish things that live a day,
Eternal beauty wandering on her way.
Come near, come near, come near—Ah, leave me still
A little space for the rose-breath to fill!
Lest I no more hear common things that crave;
The weak worm hiding down in its small cave,
The field-mouse running by me in the grass,
And heavy mortal hopes that toil and pass;
But seek alone to hear the strange things said
By God to the bright hearts of those long dead,
And learn to chaunt a tongue men do not know.
Come near; I would, before my time to go,
Sing of old Eire and the ancient ways:
Red Rose, proud Rose, sad Rose of all my days.
New Releases
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
A Day Late
New Releases
Maya Banks - eBook release called Songbird. Stand alone book (so far)
Lora Leigh - Heat Seeker from her Elite Ops Series
Lorelei James- Rough, Raw, and Ready. In-Print
Must Love Hound Dogs -Anthology
Charlanie Harris writes Sci Fi and Mystery - "The Britlingens Go to Hell "
Nalini Singh is author of the Psy/Channgling and her new series the Guild Hunter - "Angel's Judgement"
IIona Andrews is Sci Fi with her Magic Series - "Magic Mourns"
Meljean Brook writes Sci Fi with her Guardian Series - "Blind Spot"
Supernatural season 4
Note: Of course there are plenty of other items that were released. I am only putting the ones that I am interested in and/or will be. I don't want to post anything I would not read/watch and it not be any good or not what I like.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tuesday New Releases
Today in Sci Fi Patricia Briggs new book in her Alpha and Omega series was released. Its technically the third in the series but is consider the second because the opening to this series is a short novel in On The Prowl with romance authors Sunny, Karen Chance, and Eileen Wilks. You do not have to read the short novel in order to understand but it doese help and I would recommend reading anything in the correct order.
Reading Order:
On The Prowl (anthology) Alpha and omega
Cry Wolf
The Hunting Ground
In romance Marliss Melton's new book in her Military romance series Show No Fear is out. This is a new author that I am looking into.
Reading Order
Forget Me Not
In The Dark
Time To Run
Next To Die
Don't Let Go
Too Far Gone
Show No Fear
Kate Douglas Anthology Sexy Beast IIV. This follows along with her Wolf Tales series on the Chanku breed. It is a really good, hot and steamy type of paranormal romance. The reading order is simple, just follow the roman numbers on both the Wolf Tales and Sexy Beast!
Movies - DVD Box Sets
House MD Season 5
One Tree Hill Season 6
No more said! Enjoy reading and watchings
Friday, August 21, 2009
Book Club outside of the Book Club
Well one of my pickes was Flatland by Edwin A Abbott. It is literally 82 pages. It was, like, the March pick. Of course we are now in August. Still have not finished it.
So Cara, her almightly self, I guess got tired of us complaining about how was can't seem to finish it. Went out and bought. Finished it in two days. Only difference is her copy was a 147 pages. So now she thinks she can gloat and says she really enjoyed it. The guy loved his big words.
I am not saying it is a bad book. It is actually really interesting. Its not mind-consuming and one of those books you should read out loud. Just not while taking your morning walk. Too much breath.
Allison and I will finish this book and then finally move on to the next pick. Bitter is the New Black by Lancaster!
Wish us luck
Friday, August 14, 2009
I Finished - BookClub Meeting
The excitment on why I am very happy I finished, I am the hardest reader in the group. Sometimes I just can't read a book no matter how good it might be. Take Elizabeth's pick persuasion. I only made to page 13. I just couldn't bring myself to read anymore.
Then there is Cara's picks. For some reason, on both of her books I have not been able to finish either one. The devil in the white city, I have about a hundred pages left to read. Chocolat, I am about half way with that one as well. Its just a mind thing I can't over come.
But I have read all the other ones. Which I am very proud of myself for doing. so 3 out of 14 books ain't all that bad. Hopefully Cara's next book I will be able to finish. Third times a charm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BookClub Meeting:
Aug 16, 2009 at 9pm - Elizabeth's house
I am bring a chick-pea salad that everyone can injoy (including cara - see I remembered this time cara) I really think someone should bring chocolate covered crickets or even ants.
See ya then!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Lust Loathing and a Little Lip Gloss
Lust, Loathing, and a Little Lip Gloss is another great book in the Sophie Katz series. I loved this one just as much as the others, Sophie is back with her stellar sleuth skills and quick wit that makes you laugh out loud while reading. Many times while reading this book I got the “is that lady crazy look” for busting out laughing in public. Anatoly is sexy and sweet as ever and I was so happy with the way these two are progressing in their relationship. The paranormal side of the story keeps it very interesting and gives a twist to the type of mystery going on. Marcus is one of my favorite characters and he is back for the fun, even if it is unknowingly. You also get a better insight on Sophie and her fathers relationship before he passed away, which develops the character of Sophie even more making you love her even more. I counted down the days between Obsession, Deceit, and Really Dark Chocolate and this book and I will do the same for the next Sophie Katz mystery. The only thing I would warn about buying this book is the amount of money you spend at Starbucks, every time I read a Sophie book I have to have a frappuccino!
by: Cara Purcell
A Celebration of Reading: Dallas
If I am reading the official announcement correctly, Tickets are $250, Dinner and Program are $150.
Friend ($5,000)
• 8 Event tickets
• One reserved table for 8 at the dinner
• Listing in event printed program
I would love to go but that is alot of money. Fundraisers any one??? HEHEHEHE
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
My Goal!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Who doesn't love a good book? Obviously we all do as we're all members of this fabulous, if sometimes silly, book club. The great thing about a book club is the challenge to conquer pieces of literature that might have never crossed your path if it weren't for this literarily inclined group of cohorts. So dive in. Don't just read the chosen book. Savor it. Look up the words you don't know. Ask someone about a paragraph that doesn't make sense. Laugh out loud at the funny parts and don't be afraid to get so involved that you shed a tear when the story is heartbreaking.
"Of all the diversions of life, there is none so proper to fill up its empty spaces as the reading of useful and entertaining authors." -Joseph Addison
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